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Prepare the environment

Currently the supported operating systems are:

  • Ubuntu/Debian (Kernel version 5.14 and up).
  • CentOS/Fedora (Kernel version 5.14 and up).

In case you are using Mac a virtual machine is required. If you are already on Linux, please proceed to the Automatic Install section. This guide utilizes Lima.

To install Lima, use the following command:

Terminal window
brew install lima

Now create a virtual machine:

Terminal window
limactl start --name=quickstart template://ubuntu

To access the machine, use:

Terminal window
limactl shell quickstart

Automatic install

The most simple way to install Camblet is to run the following command in your terminal. This will setup the necessary repositories on your system and install the all Camblet components.

Terminal window
curl -s | bash

Check if Camblet is installed

Check the status of the systemd service of the agent:

Terminal window
sudo systemctl status camblet.service

You should see something like this:

Terminal window
camblet.service - Camblet Agent Service
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/camblet.service; enabled; preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Mon 2023-12-11 11:02:54 UTC; 2h 34min ago
Main PID: 1158 (camblet)
Tasks: 11 (limit: 4611)
Memory: 28.3M
CPU: 1.155s
CGroup: /system.slice/camblet.service
└─1158 /usr/bin/camblet agent --config /etc/camblet/config.yaml --rules-path /etc/camblet/rules/ --sd-path /etc/camblet/services/

To check the logs of the Camblet agent, run the following command:

Terminal window
sudo journalctl -u camblet.service

Check the status of the Camblet kernel-module:

Terminal window
modinfo camblet
filename: /lib/modules/6.1.0-15-cloud-arm64/updates/dkms/camblet.ko
version: 0.3.0
description: Camblet - Kernel Space Access Control for Zero Trust Networking
license: Dual MIT/GPL
author: Cisco Systems
srcversion: B169E3295E8A8740274017F
depends: bearssl,libcrc32c
name: camblet
vermagic: 6.1.0-15-cloud-arm64 SMP mod_unload modversions aarch64
sig_id: PKCS#7
signer: DKMS module signing key
sig_key: 66:F2:5E:BF:BF:18:04:09:64:2D:DB:5D:E9:AA:DC:95:E5:2E:68:9B
sig_hashalgo: sha256
signature: 59:6F:34:6D:4F:E0:9C:D6:FA:11:52:11:21:60:5E:A5:5D:40:80:A4:
parm: ktls_available:Marks if kTLS is available on the system (bool)

Manual install

If you want to install Camblet manually, you can follow the steps below:


Install the dependencies first:

Terminal window
sudo apt install -y wget gnupg linux-headers-$(uname -r) dkms

Import the Camblet repository key:

Terminal window
sudo wget -O- | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/camblet.gpg >/dev/null

Add the Camblet repository:

Terminal window
sudo sh -c "echo 'deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/camblet.gpg] stable main' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/camblet.list"
sudo apt update

Install the Camblet meta package (this will install the agent, kernel module and CLI):

Terminal window
sudo apt install camblet

RedHat/CentOS/Fedora and derivatives

Install the dependencies first:

Without --enablerepo epel on Amazon Linux.

Terminal window
sudo dnf install --enablerepo epel -y dkms

Import the Camblet repository key:

Terminal window
sudo rpm --import

Add the Camblet repository:

Terminal window
sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/camblet.repo >/dev/null <<EOF
name=Camblet Repository
sudo dnf makecache

Install the Camblet meta package (this will install the agent, kernel module and CLI):

Terminal window
sudo dnf install camblet

Load the kernel module and start the service

Load the Camblet kernel module:

Terminal window
sudo modprobe camblet

Start the Camblet agent service:

Terminal window
sudo systemctl start camblet.service


Upgrade Camblet

If you have already installed Camblet and want to upgrade to the latest version, run the standard upgrade command of your package manager, for example on Debian/Ubuntu:

Terminal window
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade camblet

Uninstall Camblet

To uninstall Camblet, run the following command:

Terminal window
sudo apt autoremove camblet